VIP Consultation

Unlock the secret to perfect skin with our personalized skin care consultation.

Private consultation

This is a private consultation of 1 year. Our expert team of skincare professionals will analyze your skin using our exclusive online skin type test and create a personalized report specifically for your skin type and condition. This means you will receive a list of cosmetic products and recommendations tailored to your unique needs, rather than a one-size-fits-all approach.

You will receive:

€ 799


We have been helping thousands of girls all over the world to improve their skin and confidence by offering them effective solutions for their skin issues.

Cosmetic products have proven to be highly effective, with an 80% success rate in curing various skin conditions. However, good skin care is not just for those with skin problems. Everyone’s skin goes through changes, and a tailored skincare routine can make all the difference in maintaining healthy, radiant skin. That’s why we encourage everyone to have a personalized skin care routine, even if they have perfect skin.

So whether you’re looking to resolve skin issues or just want to give your skin the care it deserves, we are here to help. Book your consultation today and discover the benefits of a healthy skin care routine for yourself.

"I had an extreme form of acne and really needed guidance. ELESTÉ is the only company I know that offers this type of services online. It's been 4 months and I'm loving the progress and their service."
Iris P.

How it works

After you have completed the checkout, you will receive a confirmation email from us with a link to our skin type test. This test is designed to gather information about your skin’s unique characteristics, genetics, and condition. It is essential that you fill out this test accurately to ensure that our consultants can provide you with the best possible recommendations.  

Once you have completed the skin type test, our team of skin experts will start analyzing the results. Our consultants are trained in the latest skincare techniques and ingredients and will use their expertise to create a customized routine that is tailored to your skin type and conditions.

After 5 working days, you will receive an individual report that includes the results of your skin type test, the analysis of our consultant, a list of cosmetic products specifically selected for your skin, and a step-by-step guide on your morning and evening routine.

Additionally, we have also included a video instruction on how to apply the products, how much to apply, and other important information to help you get the best results from your skin care routine. 

After 6 months you will be asked to do the Skin Type Test again and the initial recommendations will be reevaluated. Your skin will have improved in the meanwhile and other cosmetic products could be recommended in this stage.

During this 1 year private consult, you will have a consultant by your side for all your questions and doubts. In these 12 months we will stay in touch and follow your progress by the photo you could provide.

And finally, there is a possibility to schedule calls with the consultant. These can be phone calls or face time.

Why choose us?


Our team exists of highly skilled and certified skin & cosmetic experts. We are specialised in cosmetic ingredients and consultation.


The provided list of cosmetics is based on your personal budget. This way we make sure that you can afford the treatment we create for you.


Our treatments are based on cosmetic products that are freely available in the stores. We don't recommend medicine or any other kind of drug.

You can also choose Consultation.

Basic Consultation

  • Skin Type Test
  • Consultation report
  • Support (3 months)

Premium Consultation

  • Skin Type Test
  • Consultation report
  • Support (3 months)

Take the first step towards beautiful and healthy skin

price € 799